The update that killed us all


Active Member
Apr 1, 2019
37 1
Ok so I woke up today and it has been bad:

People just don't wanna play on Olympus anymore

"Why ?"
Yesterday (well today or idc, it's time zones so for me it was yesterday), our beloved (no) Owner xDacon fixed things on Manacube, adding useless titles & auras (Victor & Ancient Aura) and halfing the price of the mob drops

"What does it change for Olympus players ?"
To be honest, I'm a player who doesn't grind for ascensions like Arenzo or others could do, I'm just a guy who builds some things on random places and let people enjoy them

for people who grind Ascensions, it brings a great problem: ascending has become slower, and so it brings another problem: playing isn't fun anymore

Playing wasn't fun already for all the glitches / lag networks we had on Olympus (or on MC in general), but this hurt us hard, to be honest, it fucked up Olympus.

"What about Mining ?"
So we could say to ourselves: "let's go Mine then, we'll be rebirthing fast at least if grinders are fucked up"
And that's what staff want us to do, cuz before being a
farm AFK simulator server, it's a prison server so mining should be 1st.

Only if
mining wasn't trash now, even with Trench now that isn't still fixed according to people's will since the reset
So what do we do ? We can't mine and can't ascend by grinders so what ?

We just lay down here, talking to express the sadness we feel about this server drowning itself each update staff is doing here.

The Fall Of Olympus
That brings us to the the main topic, how Olympus will fall and lose its community it has hardly acquired.
Because now, Olympus isn't a cool gamemode now,
toxic people take their place into it and players don't find it even fun to play on it, they're even thinking of going elsewhere, breaking people's friendship links by the way.
This afternoon, I'm seeing people talking between them about
how the server is just gunned down by its own creator, how xDacon is lefting out Olympus for others things like Survival when Olympus isn't even all fixed (Tinkerer) and is slowly dying cuz we're only seeing nerfs, we're never getting buffed.

Any solutions about that ?
Imo, it's not to me to bring some solutions: as I said earlier, I'm a builder player, I'm not grinding for rebirths or anything, I just wanna spend some time with people I find funny or kind and let ppl enjoy things I create
But the main solution is to focus on Olympus more and remove that mob drop nerf we got or just buff Trench to make ppl enjoy more mining
Also fix other things on Olympus, cuz we still have broken things here, cosmetics for example, pets, disguises, et caetera

I don't speak for a whole community, I speak for my sole voice and I hope Olympus players will be there, comment and left their thoughts on all this thing, on how we got fucked up and if they have solutions to these problems that may make ManaCube lose a part of its community.

Thank you for reading.


Jun 28, 2017
21 7
There is many things people call failure this is one of them, the state of the server itself doesn't deserve the amount of players it has.

Four years ago I remember a bright minded Dakota who cared so much about us and didn't give a shit about the money until he realised "this could work" I payed very little attention at the start until the community grew on me, I was very popular back then for my "copying" but you know not everything turns out good.

The older staff team {Drakey, Yuko, Kraken, GM, Sunset is considerable, Crackers} did there jobs so well unaware of the nightmare the server was becoming. They all begun to "resign" or "quit" or be fired and slowly new people filled there spots that have to cop our shit because of Dakota's horrible mistakes recently.

Instead of resetting other servers, fix something that is broken first before you reset something that isn't broken. Dakota brother I have been a loyal player for almost five years I have seen everybody come and go and I have never seen you so inconsiderate and irresponsible to the point where you don't even come fix bugs for us.

"But wait Arenzo is making to much money, let me nerf spawners" Now newer players are getting nowhere quick and he's is currently untouchable, there isn't a solution for other players either. Trench is horrible and spawners are horrible, what exactly are we supposed to do?

I remember you didn't go on a flight for us just to fix a tiny bug on Creative, he loved us Dacon, I need you back to what you use to be please. Instead of the monster you really are thinking money is more important than your player base, who in the fuck do you think you are at this point.

Yes staff can reply and roast me and say "blah blah blah buncha bullshit" but they know deep down how ridiculous and misplaced the server currently is. It only takes one to make a change. I counted on Drakey and he doesn't consider Manacube a concern anymore because he administrates something different, something better. #BringOldDakotaBack

Lets start a movement, staff know I am right.
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Active Member
Dec 24, 2018
30 3
Of course it'll never be the same , of course the owner doesn't really care about us

But in those times we need to stick together to make our voice heard and make things move because if no one helps the majority that wants to move on for a better server then it's no point into doing forums and suggestion pages while some are not done or fixed from a long time ago as you said he just released Survival not long after olympus without fixing everything because survival ppl didn't actually care about the situation of Olympus of course it maked Dacon tilt making things wrong but it is not an excuse to make players nerfed so heavily while it was already hard for little players like me or you to make money , of course dacon thinks it's better like that if only he talked to us more he would know things are NOT right right now he HAS to REALLY FIX things before doing OTHER things of course just hating will change nothing we have to communicate him our feelings if mass ppl says the same he'll have to do atleast a move in that direction or players will keep hating and leaving

i aboslutly not want to lose friends because of his actions and i think things need to change RIGHT NOW and no other time in the future the situation on oly is fucked same for sb as well as islands parkour and creative have been almost forgotten like i already said it needs to move ASAP or we'll just all leave i almost left not so long because of the situtayion now i tent more to leave for real because of course i love this server i just don't like the way it's administrated by dacon his decision are too reckless and we can just suffer from the consequences of his actions that feels like a dictatorial regime

If things are not changed fast everything will just crash and Dacon will only have survival to make his little monthly restaurant and cinema the players are more important than money dear Owner i thank every players and certain mods to have been there for us or me but i feel like it's time to move on to turn the page and let the reality crash into dacon's face .

May 29, 2018
Preach Sir.

This Olympus update really did kill the server. It has so many bugs and glitches that Dacon won't fix. He came on only to further nerf mobs which obviously made MANY people including me very unhappy. So people have quit Olympus and the whole server together because nothing is being done about the issue.

Why would he even release Survival S2 if Olympus has so many bugs that he hasn't even looked at yet. The staff I'm sure are sick of us complaining, but we care about the server and we sure have the right to complain about this. It's going to be a movement and Dacon WILL fix it.



Active Member
Dec 24, 2018
30 3
There is many things people call failure this is one of them, the state of the server itself doesn't deserve the amount of players it has.

Four years ago I remember a bright minded Dakota who cared so much about us and didn't give a shit about the money until he realised "this could work" I payed very little attention at the start until the community grew on me, I was very popular back then for my "copying" but you know not everything turns out good.

The older staff team {Drakey, Yuko, Kraken, GM, Sunset is considerable, Crackers} did there jobs so well unaware of the nightmare the server was becoming. They all begun to "resign" or "quit" or be fired and slowly new people filled there spots that have to cop our shit because of Dakota's horrible mistakes recently.

Instead of resetting other servers, fix something that is broken first before you reset something that isn't broken. Dakota brother I have been a loyal player for almost five years I have seen everybody come and go and I have never seen you so inconsiderate and irresponsible to the point where you don't even come fix bugs for us.

"But wait Arenzo is making to much money, let me nerf spawners" Now newer players are getting nowhere quick and he's is currently untouchable, there isn't a solution for other players either. Trench is horrible and spawners are horrible, what exactly are we supposed to do?

I remember you didn't go on a flight for us just to fix a tiny bug on Creative, he loved us Dacon, I need you back to what you use to be please. Instead of the monster you really are thinking money is more important than your player base, who in the fuck do you think you are at this point.

Yes staff can reply and roast me and say "blah blah blah buncha bullshit" but they know deep down how ridiculous and misplaced the server currently is. It only takes one to make a change. I counted on Drakey and he doesn't consider Manacube a concern anymore because he administrates something different, something better. #BringOldDakotaBack

Lets start a movement, staff know I am right.
of course we should start something but actual players that thinks everything is fine will not follow us and might make dacon not care so we need to make pplsure of following us because staff too knows everything is crashing down


Well-Known Member
Feb 3, 2019
113 4
What I enjoyed a lot about ManaCube was the community. Now that many of my old friends barely play, I don't find any way to have fun anymore.
It's AFK Simulator 2019.

And the release of Survival s5 made absolutely no sense. No one should ever update another product that works just fine, if there already is a product struggling. (Talking in general business decisions)
Tbh the decision making has been poor, and people are leaving the network left and right.

Time to search for another network. Feelsbadman


Olympus Mod+
Nov 19, 2018
2,353 83
And the release of Survival s5 made absolutely no sense. No one should ever update another product that works just fine,
Just because you don’t entirely like the current updates on Olympus and you feel it’s broken, doesn’t mean other servers cannot be worked on/reset. To my knowledge, the survival economy was broken, and it had been a year since the last survival reset.

of course the owner doesn't really care about us
If Dacon didn’t care about the players, he wouldn’t have bothered switching to “Feature Upvote”, he wouldn’t reset the servers, Trench likely wouldn’t exist in the first place, and mob spawners wouldn’t be stackable. He would ignore the bugs/glitches - and while you can say “He dOes!1!” You don’t know what he, BoomClaw and Dylan are working on behind closed doors ...

As for the main point of this post, which I believe is because of the mob drops prices - Don’t quote me on this, but I’m 99% sure the mob drop prices were nerfed because of the rate people are ascending, and also because of the rate mobs were dropping loot. The top people are already at 100+ rebirths a month after the start of Season 2, which is far more OP than it was in Season one, which completely defeats the entire purpose of Season 2 adding the spawner limits, the stackable spawners, etc. And while you may not like trench, you don’t have to use it, no one is forcing you to - you can make a new pickaxe without trench until such times as trench is to your standard. There is no problems with mining, you get the same amount of money per inv sold, people don’t like the fact that currently you get one mining EXP and one mana per area mined with trench, the money isn’t the issue.

Of course, you’re all entitled to your own opinion and it’s great that you’re doing so, however the issues you’re reporting are all the things we are reporting too. There are more gamemodes than just Olympus, with the recent reset, Survival needs the most attention at the moment as it is the most “unstable”.


Active Member
Apr 1, 2019
37 1
Ok so at first thanks for reacting over here but real quick

This topic is for forum topic, arguing about it on Minecraft chat is freaking useless and flaming other people (sorry Arenzo that it happens to you) is just harming them for nothing

So keep that on forum, it hasn't got its place on Minecraft chat, especially for insulting people for a problem they aren't responsible for



Active Member
Feb 21, 2019
mining will be buffed, xDacon said so in chat.
we don't know to what extend but it's something. (also If mining were to be buffed omney-wise that would also require a raise of all the rank costs. That takes time to balace and figure out).

Also @Hallowqueen Yes people have rached ascention 100 quiker but it wasn't that different from s1.
For example Wincho started his grinderpath fairly late in the season, if someone was to do the same but then at the start of s1 that person could have reached hundreds of ascentions aswell.
Also all knowledge we learned in s1 about spawners/ways to make money and stuff all carried over. So it's only logical that'd we reach that point quiker.

Also I've seen multiple of these posts in the last months and even though they all claim the same ''fall of olympus'' or ''fall of manacube'' it never really happens. people leave all the time and new people join all the time, it's how servers work.


May 14, 2018
While I understand the point of the Nerf because of how much people like Arenzo are rebirthing (ascending) at this rare, this is not he should of have done it. He could of have just simply put a cooldown on rebirthing or ascending... Aka you can ascend in for example 3 days or something like that which would make hitting rebirth 50 or smt like that far more significant.
The problem for me which kills Olympus sometimes is the TPS and network lag issues. For example Skyblock still has problems with TPS after months of S7 releasing.


Active Member
Apr 1, 2019
37 1
Also I've seen multiple of these posts in the last months and even though they all claim the same ''fall of olympus'' or ''fall of manacube'' it never really happens. people leave all the time and new people join all the time, it's how servers work.
Of course it's how a big server works
But you wont wipe out the fact that losing it's regular players is really bad for a server
Apr 19, 2019
He didnt only half the spawn prices he also lowered the spawn rate by 25%
so with that we take 100% as it was before
100 x .5(price nerf) = 50
50 x .25 = 12.5
12.5/100 = 1/8th Spawners were nerfed to 1/8th of what they were
Now Arenzo is even more untouchable due to the fact that you cannot get money as fast as before
this more of negates what dacon was trying to accomplish from this.
Mar 22, 2019
Honestly this is true. The new update is pretty fucking stupid, we all suffer for one person earning this stuff fairly? Corrupt.


Dedicated Member
Apr 15, 2019
115 15
I totally agree with almost everything that you guys are saying, but I also believe what Hallow's saying. Yes, the game is super broken right now, yes, the top players (Arenzo and Hydro) are now untouchable, but like Hallow said, it's all being worked on behind those closed doors.

Those of you who say you're going to leave, just leave if that's what you really want. No one's stopping you. However, I strongly believe that everything will eventually get way better, and maybe Olympus will even be the best it has ever been soon. Who knows? The staff team are pretty much always working on bugs and other negatives within the game, so think again before coming in here to say that Dacon doesn't care about the players.

It's fine if you @ me and say that I kiss the staff team's asses, but that's not the case. I am just putting my opinion out there, like everyone else are doing.


Active Member
Feb 21, 2019
While I understand the point of the Nerf because of how much people like Arenzo are rebirthing (ascending) at this rare, this is not he should of have done it. He could of have just simply put a cooldown on rebirthing or ascending... Aka you can ascend in for example 3 days or something like that which would make hitting rebirth 50 or smt like that far more significant.
The problem for me which kills Olympus sometimes is the TPS and network lag issues. For example Skyblock still has problems with TPS after months of S7 releasing.
I agree!
the entire server should not be nerfed because 1 nolifer is going ham on ascending. good point.
But I wasnt the entire reason grinder were nerfed although people love believing that story.
Grinder have been OP and since the change were there was no limit of spawners on a plot has happened xDacon was already unhappy about the potential outcome.

Don't forget he did that because people were wining that grinders were not OP enough. . . (or too limited).
So a nerf was coming anyways, it just happened a little sooner.



Forum Expert
Feb 3, 2018
246 7


May 14, 2018
I agree!
the entire server should not be nerfed because 1 nolifer is going ham on ascending. good point.
But I wasnt the entire reason grinder were nerfed although people love believing that story.
Grinder have been OP and since the change were there was no limit of spawners on a plot has happened xDacon was already unhappy about the potential outcome.

Don't forget he did that because people were wining that grinders were not OP enough. . . (or too limited).
So a nerf was coming anyways, it just happened a little sooner.

True, but if the ascending was the actual problem i was just saying how he should of have nerfed it.
Besides TPS and network wide lag needs more fixing comparing to some stuff like this since this harms the server's existence as a whole.... Like for me it's fine if we don't have any other update for like a month if it's gonna fix finally fix the TPS issues.
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