Survival Season 8 Suggestions


Feb 16, 2022
You could do something like mby dragon ball crate or something and i think it would be cool with marvel wardrobe items.
And isles could get improved with you not being able to camp on kids.
And i feel like you could add some different type of isles mobs and worlds like something called the magma snail wich drops some magma balls that you can throw and pepole get damaged and start burning.

That's my ideas Love Cassiball <3


May 8, 2022
  • Add a party upgrade for extending the amount of pistons you can place in a chunk(like the hopper upgrade but for pistons). Maybe it will cause ppl to try and lag out the server (in a way that i dont know), but 10 pistons per chunk make it impossible to build 3x3 piston doors, which is very sad. To reduce exploits, you could make it 10k mana per +2 pistons or smth like that.


Active Member
Nov 11, 2021
21 4
Make it possible to exchange furniture for cubits (That way you can sell your furniture to buy new furniture)


Dedicated Member
May 19, 2021
151 8
Minion Buff - Make minions actually be good longer than like 2 weeks at a start of a season.
Give them mana upgrades to increase the speed of production, decrease the use of berries, and to increase item capacity, that way as the season goes on they will still be useful.


Well-Known Member
Sep 26, 2020
72 1
Something that i noticed we are in desperate need of is access for members to have a larger end of season vault. Especially now that Mineville community has merged with ManaCube, this brought more SVA items to Mana. Many players cannot store all of their collectables going into the new season. Please consider an expansion on how much each player can vault at the end of season.

Thank you!
+1 this is a huge annoyance and it won't negatively effect anything by making it larger. I was told by staff that now if we give players items to hold for reset, they can keep the items and not give them back and it won't be considered scamming. Also would be great if it was open year round (not including the first month or so after reset when it's closed, because that makes sense). Many players go off to college, to the military, or just away for a long time and can't vault their stuff. Especially this season where the vault was closed and we were told all the old items left inside would be wiped, people came back furious that all the items they bought tons of crates for with real life money years back have lost them all. Players that left the server this season to focus on real life got screwed over basically. Even if it has to be added to cubitshop as a perk for +10 resetvaults or something, it's better than nothing.

----- New Bosses, Isles Mobs, & Custom Drops -----

Nobody wants to grind the same exact recycled mobs all over again, players were saying it's getting boring already so I can't imagine a whole year with the same things again. The custom 500 boss reward should also be changed, making players who won it this season have something that can't just be won again the next year. Also make new wardrobe drops (like cyber wings and floatie) so that those items are season specific collectibles.

----- Random Suggestions (some already mentioned, just adding if I agree with them) -----

- Make rewards for things like LPS scalable as the season goes on, because a $10,000 reward is basically nothing even early season. Players fight and win top 3 in an LPS battle just to get a hotbar full of bamboo worth of money.

- Add souls to /trade

- A command where players can lock their inventory so they cannot accidentally drop anything

- A command where players can lock multitools (or even switch to the preferred tool of choice - /mt pickaxe - /mt sword - etc), there is nothing more annoying than fighting with a sparkle multitool sword then hitting a block under the mob and it changing to a pickaxe with no way to change it back unless you tp home and hit a cobweb.

- Make spawn smaller, it is way too big now and seems like a barren wasteland. Last season spawn felt more like a place that brought everyone together because it was smaller.

- Make ManaPond smaller again. Last season ManaPond was really fun and actually took skill. The players with the fastest aim got the items. Now you just sit and wait for the items to spawn near you, sometimes they don't and you're stuck waiting for 2 items to be in reaching distance the entire pond event. A lot of times the rod doesn't even reach the items in the center so they never get caught. Please do not make it like Skyblock, where everyone has to fly to catch the items that are 100ft in the air. How ManaPond was last season was perfect, just maybe make it slightly bigger (not massive like this season was).

- Make /fly perms enabled by default in new parties. It is very annoying flying around the map and constantly falling out of the sky because most new players don't even know the fly perm exists since they are allowed to fly in their own claim. I think I was already told this will be a thing, but just wanted to add it here again just incase.

- Infinite sell chests, autocraft, and chunk hoppers. This was a huge mistake trying to implement timers this season, it pushed off a ton of old players. A big part of the economy that people loved was afk spawner farms. When they found out they have to replace their stuff monthly by spending cubits and constantly set up their farm collection all over again, most of them quit. Sell chests didn't become cheap enough to be worth it until later in the season when more people started winning them from crates and events. Early in the season it almost wasn't even worth it to use a sell chest since the only way to make your money back from it is to have a farm that is at spawner cap. Not to mention it being a complete waste to use sell chests inside minions because of the cost & time factor.

- Add more custom enchantments for weapons. I'm not big on PVP, but I see people complaining every day about this. It takes hours to kill someone in PVP now, the only way to kill someone with decent gear is with a bow or blaster. Adding CE's that increase damage on swords might help combat this issue.

- Make all of the blaster weapons the same damage and speed. It makes no sense that the worse blaster (Zurg Blaster) is now the fastest shooting one that does the most damage. Making them all exactly even would be a lot more fair.

- Separate /warp PVP style arena that doesn't allow vaultable items inside. Have the portal to get to that area near the normal /warp PVP arena, don't allow players to go through the portal if they have any sort of "Season Vault Access" item in their inventory. Once there, make all commands disabled and the only way to get back is through the portal again. This would make a fun arena that players without SVA gear could fight without being constantly killed by everyone else with super OP gear.

- Larger PVP arena and either a separate world for it, or a larger area around it telling players that it's a drop item on death enabled zone. Many players just walking around and exploring spawn have fallen into PVP because its so compacted into spawn.

- Disable explosion from destroying items in /warp PVP

- Make every item holy-scrollable. There are many items that players won't even use because they can't be holy scrolled.

- Make projectiles work on ALL isles mobs again (but still no projectiles on boss, so people don't just hide back and shoot it). The lore says "damages all mobs" but they only work on a few things, making them almost useless at this point.

- Change mob despawning to how it was last season. Instead of despawning every mob on a 10 minute timer, make a mob stack limiter. When the player leaves the chunk the mobs despawn automatically after a certain time period.

- Add captcha to MCMMO acrobatics instead of making it not work after a certain amount of drops. It's hard enough grinding MCMMO acro as it is, and how it is on Skyblock now doesn't really allow you to grind acro anymore.

- Make alt limit per part, not per player. To give solo / duo players the same advantage as bigger parties have.

- Remove useless drops from Iron Golems and make it drop less items. Hopper speed isn't fast enough to keep up with 3x iron ingot and it overflows chests / hoppers insanely fast. Everyone just filters out poppy because it doesn't sell for enough to be worth using a sell chest, and you can't autocraft them into blocks like iron. There is just millions of poppy being despawned constantly all day long on the server and it's just a waste of resources.

- Show in /legends which categories will be added for the current season, allowing players to know which thing they have to collect / grind from the start making it an actual competition and not a guessing game.

- Allow players to sell or trade existing crate keys they already have (a command, not a physical thing to prevent duping issues)

- Add +3 PV to cubitshop. A lot of players won the 7 PV perk last season, and now they have to buy 10 PV as a whole instead of just +3

- Party claim permissions based on chunk, allowing players to make more minigames for others to compete in. A big part of bringing the community together last season was players who made minigames

- Other ways to obtain more claims. I noticed a few people quit because they can't build the big cities they were able to build last season. Having some sort of way to get claims other than rank and Party Quests would be great (also remove the PVP aspect in party quests, killing 10k mobs in Burninglands where you drop loot on death is almost impossible as a solo / duo party)

- More uses for mana. Currently the only thing mana is used for is party upgrades and prestige. Maybe make some sort of mana shop, and change /hdb back to costing mana instead of money.

- Add back wither skeleton spawners, or a add wither roses to shop. People love flowers, and some even run flower shops. It is basically impossible to find wither skeleton in the nether since either fortresses don't exist often, or if someone finds one all the mobs are despawned already.

- Make rename longer again. A big part of survival is renames (as weird as that sounds). People love to rename things and give them as gifts, or use renames as an advertisement in chat so they don't have to keep typing their message over and over every day. I don't think they should be insanely long like it was early season, but now you can only fit like 3 words max making renames pretty boring.

- I'm not sure if this is even possible since there are so many items already made, but maybe add a lore with the original SVA item name. Most players rename their items, making it hard to tell what the item actually is until you see the texture or already know the enchants. This would also prevent rename scamming.

- There was a suggestion to make titles tradeable as a poll. I think that older titles previously before the point of this change should not be tradable, tags are the only thing left people have to show off that they have collected over the years of opening crates. I feel that they shouldn't be tradeable at all, since a lot of people only open crates to get titles now. Making them tradeable will allow players to never have to buy crates again. Titles aren't a physical object, so it doesn't really make much sense. Wardrobes do because they are actual physical things, and maybe trading pets would be a cool feature. Have it so when you withdraw a pet, it turns into a nametag with the pets name similar to how wardrobe withdraw works. I also think that renaming pets should be added back. I remember when pets were at spawn before you could have a chicken named "Nuggets" and it was kinda cool having your pet with it's own name.

- Disable / remove glow in PVP enabled areas

- New Elite commands for anvil, smithing table, etc

- Top 3 boss damage gets a separate prize, not just a "better chance" at winning a legendary drop. I've killed over 500 bosses this season, almost every single one being top 3 damage. Only a few of those times I've gotten a legendary reward, making it seem almost pointless to go for top damage because you have just as good of a chance winning a decent drop by only hitting boss 1 time.

- Quest points shop, there is currently no actual use for spending quest points

- Add back /withdraw because it was fun last season during giveaways when people would also throw money

- Turn down the redstone clock limiter, because there isn't much you can do with redstone anymore and that turns a lot of players away from the server. Redstone is a really fun and big part of Minecraft, now it's basically unusable.

- Add a clickable link people can post in chat like [invsee] so that players can click it and it will show what was in their inventory at the time. So players dont have to show multiple items they are selling in chat over and over all spam-like. They can just [invsee] and peoeple can see all of the items in their inventory at once. Have it show the inventory at the time of creating the [inventory] chat message, not what is currently in their inventory when someone clicks it at the time.

----- Gamemode Suggestions (like LPS) -----

- Gungame -
Each time you kill someone, you level up to the next weapon. Similar to the popular Call of Duty gungame, but with Minecraft items and not guns. For example the first weapon could be a wooden sword, next weapon iron sword, diamond sword, wooden axe, or even custom items like a stick or infinite snowball that does a lot of damage. Make the last few levels a harder to use weapon so that others have a chance to catch up.

- Prop hunt -
1 person is originally selected as the hunter, remaining players turn into a certain in-game item and try to hide, but after a certain about of time it shows particles around them to give away the spot and they have to run away and hide again.

- KOTH (King Of The Hill) -
Players join with their party members to defend the top of the hill for a certain amount of time. They bring their own gear, but it will drop on death (or just make it kits and no drop on death, but that's kind of boring and they can just do LPS for that type of gameplay). Teaming with other parties not allowed.

- Egg Hunt -
An egg hunt type gamemode where items spawn randomly in the world (doesn't have to be eggs just a suggestion) and players collect them, top 3 players with the most items collected in the certain time frame get a reward. Could make it similar collection system to how the egg hunt at spawn worked, where players would find the hidden eggs and receive a custom tag when all are collected, same with new years, etc. You could even have them spawn all over in the normal survival world (not hidden specifically just randomly spawned all over the place) and just have it show the top players in chat. Maybe make it so the items only show for players who /egghunt within the game start timer similar to /lps join for LPS. Or just have a separate world made like LPS. The game Rust has this feature and it's really fun, here is an example of how it works on there -
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Dedicated Member
Jul 8, 2020
160 10
Distinguish between a trophy obtained from /legends and a trophy obtained from party top.

A legend trophy is much harder to obtain and should be of higher significance


Well-Known Member
Mar 13, 2020
53 3
Development is starting for the next Survival season!

Some already planned updates are
- Updating to 1.18/1.19
- Isles improvements & expansion
- Furniture improvements
- New Spawn

- Ancient Trials Update
- Huey Fishing Update
- Prestige Shop & Season Challenges
- Horse Update

Please post any suggestions/feedback you have
if you agree with someone's post make sure to give it a reaction :)
Add Dungeons to raid for loot!


Forum Master
Oct 19, 2019
401 124
Development is starting for the next Survival season!

Some already planned updates are
- Updating to 1.18/1.19
- Isles improvements & expansion
- Furniture improvements
- New Spawn

- Ancient Trials Update
- Huey Fishing Update
- Prestige Shop & Season Challenges
- Horse Update

Please post any suggestions/feedback you have
if you agree with someone's post make sure to give it a reaction :)
Remove all aspects of survival and just put 1.12 parkour there