Reviewing Panduuuu - Staff Application

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Active Member
Jun 6, 2023
27 1
Your Minecraft Username

What server are you applying for


First name Adam

Age 20

Country or Timezone
Canada / EST

Discord username

Why do you want to become staff?
I want to become staff on ManaCube to be able to contribute and support the server to the next level. I want to be a model for the community and a reliable source of information to everyone and provide the community with a fair, safe and inclusive environment that everyone can benefit from.

How long have you played on ManaCube?
I’ve been playing on ManaCube since June 2023. I’ve roamed around Parkour for a bit of time but I’ve found myself settling later in Survival

How many hours a week can you dedicate to Manacube? Due to academic constraints, I can dedicate up to roughly 20 hours a week in-game (can differ during breaks) but I’m available on discord everyday.

What skills do you feel you have that will help the server?
I believe I possess multiple skills that will help the server, I’m a very patient individual and am able to keep a leveled head in complicated situations. I’m very open to everyone and don’t hesitate whenever someone is having a hard time with the gameplay, communication is very important in that matter to connect with everyone. I’m a very creative type of a player, I spend most of my time building or brainstorming new fun builds for my party and I would love to share that spark of creativity with the community when coming up for events or new crate ideas with the rest of the staff.

What experiences have you had which could help you as staff? I’ve had previous experiences as a staff member on Minecraft networks. The one that marked me the most I would say would be my position as a Senior Moderator (2018-2022) on a large network that has accumulated in its lifetime an average of 815,000 votes on popular voting websites such as Minecraft Server List and accumulated an average of 1000 players online simultaneously during its prime. Unfortunately, the network had to shut down due to personal reasons in 2022 where I had to leave behind the community. That experience has contributed a lot to my growth as a Moderator for online networks and I believe it’ll serve me well on ManaCube.

What three attributes distinguish yourself from other players that qualify you to be a helper?
I believe I would distinguish myself from others with my patience. If need be, I will gladly accompany the players through every step to getting started and help them familiarize themselves with the various features ManaCube and the Survival realm have to offer. I, myself was once a new arriver on Manacube so I can understand from their point of view that it can be a lot of information that sometimes can be hard for them to find. I would also highlight self-criticism as part of those three attributes, as everyone can happen to make mistakes. Nobody is perfect but it’s good to be able to reflect positively on the matter. Whenever I personally make mistakes, I like getting feedback from others whether it’d be my friends or my colleagues because it contributes to my development and knowledge, and I take the time to learn from that and improve what must be. Lastly, I would say I’m a quick learner and like mentioned previously can keep a leveled head when dealing with complicated situations, I would say it’s important to keep your cool when dealing with issues in-game or trolls in chat as a lot is happening around you.

Please explain what you believe the role of a staff member is.
Staff members are fundamental when it comes to running a server : they need to take on multiple responsibilities such as player support (resolving in-game issues, resolving conflicts and help with gameplay questions), enforcing the rules to maintain a fair and toxic-free environment for everyone to play and enjoy. All of this is done for the well fare of the community and to ensure a smooth running of the server.

Are you able to use recording software? Yes I am equipped with a recording software when it comes to recording my gameplay.

Anything else we should know?
All I would say is I’m very motivated towards working with the current staff team to give the players the gameplay experience they expect when logging on ManaCube !

You are aware that all information provided must be true, and if found to be false, will result in an automatic rejection of this application

You are aware that if you are accepted, you will be required to use a microphone for some sections of staff training to talk with the senior staff member leading your initial and future training sessions:
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SrMod | Helper Management
Senior Mod
Senior Mod
Jul 3, 2021
75 7

Thank you for taking the time to apply for Manacube Staff. I have good news, your application has passed the reviewing stages and has moved on to the next step.

Please note this does NOT mean you are accepted, we are now reviewing your history on the Manacube server and looking at your characteristics in more depth. You will be notified in the near future on any update we have regarding your application.

If you have any questions, please start a conversation with me on the forums or on discord. You can find me on discord at [Kadee34 ], I am quicker to respond there.

Also, be aware that I do not discuss applications while moderating or playing in-game and do not reply to forum posts about specific staff applications.

The application will now be locked from public comments but still viewable.

Thank you,

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