My Kingdoms Take More Than 24 Hours


Forum Legend
Aug 11, 2019
1,902 47
I think there is something wrong with my Kingdom timer. Since I joined, I've done all of my daily reward things every day at about 4:00 pm eastern. And once I completed Demeter's rebirth and unlocked /kingdoms, I started claiming those too. But quickly, I realized that my kingdoms weren't working like they're supposed to. I can claim all of them one day at 4:00 pm. then the next day I would have to wait until about 5:00 pm. Then the next day about 6:00 pm.
Multiple times I've asked in chat if other people have the same issue, but nobody has ever said yes. It seems to only be me. I don't know if it's just glitching out for me or if it is supposed to be like this. But then the timer says I need to wait 24 hours until I claim again.
Could someone tell me why this is happening or if they are experiencing the same issue too?



Forum Expert
Sep 3, 2019
485 23
I don't know the specifics of your problem. But I noticed that when I go to /kingdoms and hover over a worker, it can give me a longer timer than it's supposed to. But when I do /kit mana, it gives me the mana from the worker anyways.

If you have the problem with /kit mana when you want to claim your workers, I have no idea how that could be so I'd probably contact staff or make ait support ticket.

I hope your problem gets resolved soon!


Forum Legend
Nov 20, 2018
761 16
Hi ssm,

Thank you for bringing this up, I will look more into it!

Adding on to what Warlord said, you can do /kit mana without any numbers if you have MVP+ . If you have the kingdoms unlocked you can do /kit mana1, /kit mana2, /kit mana3 and etc all the way to 7 if you have the maxed mana workers. I have not tried this method for XP bottles but I would assume it would be /kit xp1, /kit xp2, /kit xp3 and etc. (There is not an XP perk with mvp+ so the max you can get is 7 per day if you have kingdoms unlocked.)

Another way you can claim your kingdoms is doing /kits and it shows you all available kits. The kingdoms, Olympian kit, dragonfruit kit, and your rank kits. You have to collect the workers one by one which is annoying sometimes but I really like the sound.

Just a reminder, in /kits there are some kits players are not able to obtain, one for example is /kit trench .

Will look more into the problem and hoped this helped!!



Forum Expert
Sep 3, 2019
485 23
Hi ssm,

Thank you for bringing this up, I will look more into it!

Adding on to what Warlord said, you can do /kit mana without any numbers if you have MVP+ . If you have the kingdoms unlocked you can do /kit mana1, /kit mana2, /kit mana3 and etc all the way to 7 if you have the maxed mana workers. I have not tried this method for XP bottles but I would assume it would be /kit xp1, /kit xp2, /kit xp3 and etc. (There is not an XP perk with mvp+ so the max you can get is 7 per day if you have kingdoms unlocked.)

Another way you can claim your kingdoms is doing /kits and it shows you all available kits. The kingdoms, Olympian kit, dragonfruit kit, and your rank kits. You have to collect the workers one by one which is annoying sometimes but I really like the sound.

Just a reminder, in /kits there are some kits players are not able to obtain, one for example is /kit trench .

Will look more into the problem and hoped this helped!!

Yes, I meant the /kit mana1 up to /kit mana7. It indeed works the same for xp bottles. Using those commands, the timer was always exactly 24 hours and didn't bug out a bit.

I hope you'll be able to collect your workers like that.

Good luck!