Rejected Gargantua (!Updated Black Hole! Sorry for any confusion) - Medium

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Aug 16, 2023
Username: HoodieWeatherVB
Map name: Gargantua
Plot: /plot v HoodieWeatherVB 1
Difficulty: Medium
Number of jumps: 44
Solo Map

This is an updated version of my original map blackhole (Now titled Gargantua). I decided to make some changes because I wasn't quite happy with the final product, but now I think its finally complete.
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Forum God
Jan 1, 2017
963 435
Heya, after looking at this in game, I wanted to give you a few tips (also, I'm just going to point out things, this most likely won't be accepted)

Build: It could be better, right now it feels very plain and boring to look at. This is the 3rd image on google when you type in black hole,

Theme: While you're theme is original, it reminds me more of the "Planets" map on the expert, in the current state of the build.

Parkour: While you're parkour fits the length of a medium, it felt boring, and not fun. It was also very messy, and needs to be changed.
Here's a tip, use glass blocks to path out your parkour, then build the parkour, and replace the glass blocks. this is good, so you can get a flow and style of how you like to build parkour. You should also take inspiration for the newest medium maps.

Honestly, I'm giving this a -1 till all what I said above is fixed.
Aug 16, 2023
Thank you so much for the feedback! I've never built parkour before but I'll definitely try out your technique. I had some ideas to add a particle jet (Relativistic Jets) to the blackhole to make it more realistic, as well as potentially add some stars and a small space craft. I'm not sure if I could add the gravitational lensing as it would only look good from one angle much like the warping of the accretion disk. Also for reference this build was based off the blackhole from interstellar named Gargantua as well as its interior in the film.

How would I go about making these changes? Would I update my original post or would I have to make a new post to the forums? Also should I wait for a response from the mods or just make the changes now?


SrMod | Parkour Manager
Senior Mod
Senior Mod
Sep 6, 2017
692 11
Hello HoodieWeatherVB,

Unfortunately we have decided to REJECT your map and have outlined the following reasons as why,

The BUILD is pretty good, though it suffers from the actual theme/reference being boiled down to a sphere with things around it, while its a good interpretation of that, the basic nature means it's a bit harder for us to accept it due to ease of creation.

The THEME is good as there aren't any maps from Interstellar yet so good job on picking something unique!

The PARKOUR is where alot of the main concerns lie, for starters the interior has parkour jumps impossible in version 1.8, being these 3: It is important that your parkour map is possible in every version of minecraft concurrently and these things would have to be fixed first and foremost for an accept.

There are other issue apart from this though, mainly the variation and blending of the parkour into the build, we would like to see the quartz outside ( changed to something more fitting of the color scheme and also connect it to the build a bit more, the map also makes use of some simple jumps like door glitches and ladder towers, we would like to see some more creative jumps incorporated into the map before considering to accept it.

Good luck and we hope to see future submissions from you! (And ty dooble for this message !)
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