Earth realm ideas


Sep 10, 2021
14 3
Hello, so they Earth realm is in a terrible condition and many people agree on different topics, the pvp is terrible, the sieges take too long and gives nothing, the economy is downright horrid and claiming is buggy in different circumstances.

Today i'll only bring up what i feel like i am good at specializing at, and that is PVP, Sieging, armor/weapon balances and mcmmo.

The pvp on Earth is just bad, there is too many items you can get hold on to stay alive forever in fights like saturation. 1.19 pvp on a server with saturation items basically just means you are unkillable, people still spamhit in order to break armor and doesnt actually pvp like it's 1.19 but like 1.8 pvp. And then there's shield that makes it take even longer, you can get launched people have speed 3 and can run it's just an endless cycle of terrible pvp mechanics.

In short to solve these problems we need to add 1.8 pvp and a greater cooldown to saturation, Armors needs more unbreaking (from like unb 8 to 16) and all armors needs to be breakable, Strength and speed limiter needs to be set to 2 so people cant just run away. Launching players should be removed it's just boring to fight anyone when you're both being launched everytime. And for gods sake add different sva items to different servers it just doesnt work in some other servers like in factions legendary swords and ancient swords are stronger than my 50c master sword i got back in the day and it was one of the greatest swords and looking how downgraded it is from comparing to other svas it's just sad.

We need to add Master tier books that involves 5 other enchants for instace, Wither(Axes,Swords), Poison(Swords), Critical shots(Bows), Reflect(Chestplate), Master Inquisitive(Swords,Axes) ***PUT MORE OPTIONS IN THE COMMENT THESE ARE JUST EXAMPLES***
Wither: Gives wither to your fighting opponent: Max level III
Poision: Inflicts poison on your enemy: Max level III
Critical shots: Critcally hit your enemy dealing twice the damage: Max level V
Reflect: a chance to reflect the same amount of damage taken back to your opponent: Max level V
Master Inquisitive: Chance to recieve 10-20 experience: Max level V (requires to match inquisitive level)

Mcmmo levels should reach higher than 500 and so should swords, all weapon skills should be able to go to 1000, because it should be harder to reach such power as greater impact on axes.

For instance

Armor impact level 1>100
Critical Strikes 1>150
Axe Mastery 50>300
Skullcrusher 50>200
Axes limit break 100>500
Greater Impact 250>1000

Of course these are just examples of how it could look like and it should go a bit faster than usual mcmmo level gives but it should take longer for you to reach greater impact as you know people only grind to 250 and there is 500 levels which the other 250 levels after 250 is useless.

All armors should be breakable to not have ever lasting fights, as obvious as it is the devs of minecraft made it clear that armor should break and not be unbreakable thus making it balanced for both parties basically it means that the better pvper always wins and that's how it should be unless you've outgrinded him (more enchants mcmmo etc).

The reason launching your opponent is a terrible mechanic is because you want people to stay on the ground when you punch them it's very simple actually. And it's just terrible and not fun to play against someone who you launch or get launched by to fight against. You being static on the floor is all that pvp needs it don't need you flying around like an apex legends character.

Sieging in Earth takes ages and you get nothing out of it, Sieging should take 1 day and even less than so. Sieging other towns should take you at least to a minimum 12 hours and you should be able to take 50% of the town's bank and 5% of every player in the town's money aswell and it should all be in a "war chest" and devided by all the other players's town members, thus making getting sieged feel terrible and actual fights will erupt. Your siege should take 1 attempt and not multiple as it does now to win a "battle" a battle should be won at the moment not take 3 whole days or whatever. Capturing a banner should take you flat 3-5 minutes and not 10 it's ridiculess.

Nations should only be able to carry 5 towns in total (includes the creator of the town so 4 other towns) and the total amount of people in 1 town should be like 10 at max, this allows people to spread their wings a little instead of having 1 powerful nation controlling the entire realm.



Forum Legend
Sep 9, 2022
711 117
pls no 1.8 pvp its literally not even true 1.8. just make weapons deal more damage and make saturation items weaker. as for like the nations stuff i agree but sieges need to stay the same as far as length goes so that ppl from all timezones or people with not as much free time can still participate.


Sep 10, 2021
14 3
pls no 1.8 pvp its literally not even true 1.8. just make weapons deal more damage and make saturation items weaker. as for like the nations stuff i agree but sieges need to stay the same as far as length goes so that ppl from all timezones or people with not as much free time can still participate.
Bruh ask anyone on Earth, it's dogshit pvp and sieges are boring and terrible can literally go in and ask right as we speak, and you don't play enough to know how terrible pvp is.


Forum Legend
Sep 9, 2022
711 117
Bruh ask anyone on Earth, it's dogshit pvp and sieges are boring and terrible can literally go in and ask right as we speak, and you don't play enough to know how terrible pvp is.
i have 700 hours and towns i've been in have had 150+ siege wins combined and 180+ sieges participated. i know what im talking about. we dont need 1.8 pvp when items like the raygun exist, just buff those and make saturation items weaker, "1.8 pvp" is not 1.8 pvp and is way worse than both 1.9 and real 1.8 pvp.


Forum God
Jul 28, 2022
1,196 301
Bruh ask anyone on Earth, it's dogshit pvp and sieges are boring and terrible can literally go in and ask right as we speak, and you don't play enough to know how terrible pvp is.
No u cant ask "anyone from earth" me and undiny both play earth and we both disagree with u as it appears to me also some playets i know dont want 1.8
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Pvp and sieging aint your town peaceful?
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No if they made it 1.8 they need to make the damn armor unbreakable and no they cant just change how items people payed shit tons of cash for for starters its immoral and itll make players not want to buy more crap cos they will be like "well i like this item and its stats but the devs could change it again after i buy it so i shouldnt waste my money on this as the devs will just change it again" which is bad for business as if people dont wanna buy crap cos it was downgraded cos some players didnt like it then itll make some players stop spending
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Survival is 1.8 players with actual GOD SETS still die even tho everything is unbearable cos 1.8 id dpam hits
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That sieging idea is the dumbest thing ive heard from this thread no sieging should stay how it is no taking 50% of a towns cash and no 5% of each players money they could up it to like 1k per chunk or whatever but only do that if they keep the spawner eco
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If they changed the nations to 5 max and towns to 10 max that was cause many new and old players to most likely quit earth as having a big town /nation is a great way of socializing and is what earths about
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Sep 10, 2021
14 3
i have 700 hours and towns i've been in have had 150+ siege wins combined and 180+ sieges participated. i know what im talking about. we dont need 1.8 pvp when items like the raygun exist, just buff those and make saturation items weaker, "1.8 pvp" is not 1.8 pvp and is way worse than both 1.9 and real 1.8 pvp.
The whole point is for you to die faster in 1.8 pvp i have like 7 years of PURE battle experience i know more than you by a longshot and i can prove it by doing a duel with you on the server, last i checked u have not been active for the past 13-14 days you only logged on yesterday. THe whole point of more ce's is that so you DON'T die faster but you can't understand that because you don't listen and u haven't read. Literally MOST of horizon agrees for 1.8 pvp and EVERYONE on 710 wants 1.8 pvp aka the most active players who plays on earth. You want pvp to last forever, the point is it shouldn't that's why this post was made, pvp is boring and takes ages to kill anyone and i have expeirenced the pure pvp and i took 0 dmg with max upgraded sva's borrowed from Youngermacky 1.8 is balanced you just haven't realised it.
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No u cant ask "anyone from earth" me and undiny both play earth and we both disagree with u as it appears to me also some playets i know dont want 1.8
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Pvp and sieging aint your town peaceful?
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No if they made it 1.8 they need to make the damn armor unbreakable and no they cant just change how items people payed shit tons of cash for for starters its immoral and itll make players not want to buy more crap cos they will be like "well i like this item and its stats but the devs could change it again after i buy it so i shouldnt waste my money on this as the devs will just change it again" which is bad for business as if people dont wanna buy crap cos it was downgraded cos some players didnt like it then itll make some players stop spending
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Survival is 1.8 players with actual GOD SETS still die even tho everything is unbearable cos 1.8 id dpam hits
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That sieging idea is the dumbest thing ive heard from this thread no sieging should stay how it is no taking 50% of a towns cash and no 5% of each players money they could up it to like 1k per chunk or whatever but only do that if they keep the spawner eco
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If they changed the nations to 5 max and towns to 10 max that was cause many new and old players to most likely quit earth as having a big town /nation is a great way of socializing and is what earths about
First off you are TERRIBLE at pvp and u have 0 experience and you sieging noobs isn't what this post is about. Second of all yes i am peaceful for one reason i am only grinding to get sva gear in order so i can be at war against people, if i wanted i could join maven and just mass raid anyone but i'd like to grind first. Third of all people's items will increase in durability not decrease so their items will eventually be stronger than before which everyone would like to and it's for the best if 1.8 pvp comes around and could be more ce's added so that your armor breaks slower and u take less damage, because that's literally what ce's does. Please don't compare survival 1.8 pvp with this thread because both will be different if changes happen so your conclusion makes no sense u cant tie survival and earth together with these changes i have presented. Sieging other players should have any sort of bigger pentalty for the ones being sieged and it should be like a 12 hour raid not a 3 day raid, also it's not like you should have 5 billion in ur town bank you could just have 1 bil and lost 500mil on 1 12 hour raid and have an immunity of 1 week or so, it's perfectly balanced just use ur brain to imagine it or find better solutions (which u cant because u never give out any solutions at all). Earth is all about socializing? what is this comment like you could have a max of 50 members in 1 nation that's crazy how many players that is if u think about it, and there's not even that many active players on earth to fill that either way.
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Forum God
Jul 28, 2022
1,196 301
The whole point is for you to die faster in 1.8 pvp i have like 7 years of PURE battle experience i know more than you by a longshot and i can prove it by doing a duel with you on the server, last i checked u have not been active for the past 13-14 days you only logged on yesterday. THe whole point of more ce's is that so you DON'T die faster but you can't understand that because you don't listen and u haven't read. Literally MOST of horizon agrees for 1.8 pvp and EVERYONE on 710 wants 1.8 pvp aka the most active players who plays on earth. You want pvp to last forever, the point is it shouldn't that's why this post was made, pvp is boring and takes ages to kill anyone and i have expeirenced the pure pvp and i took 0 dmg with max upgraded sva's borrowed from Youngermacky 1.8 is balanced you just haven't realised it.
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First off you are TERRIBLE at pvp and u have 0 experience and you sieging noobs isn't what this post is about. Second of all yes i am peaceful for one reason i am only grinding to get sva gear in order so i can be at war against people, if i wanted i could join maven and just mass raid anyone but i'd like to grind first. Third of all people's items will increase in durability not decrease so their items will eventually be stronger than before which everyone would like to and it's for the best if 1.8 pvp comes around and could be more ce's added so that your armor breaks slower and u take less damage, because that's literally what ce's does. Please don't compare survival 1.8 pvp with this thread because both will be different if changes happen so your conclusion makes no sense u cant tie survival and earth together with these changes i have presented. Sieging other players should have any sort of bigger pentalty for the ones being sieged and it should be like a 12 hour raid not a 3 day raid, also it's not like you should have 5 billion in ur town bank you could just have 1 bil and lost 500mil on 1 12 hour raid and have an immunity of 1 week or so, it's perfectly balanced just use ur brain to imagine it or find better solutions (which u cant because u never give out any solutions at all). Earth is all about socializing? what is this comment like you could have a max of 50 members in 1 nation that's crazy how many players that is if u think about it, and there's not even that many active players on earth to fill that either way.
"Use your brain" i reccomend you do that cos a 12 hour siege is bullshit if someone logged out and goes to bed then i go over and siege em i would of won the siege basically while they are asleep and there fuckall they could do and no i aint shut at pvp i had u running when u tried to take the banner back after fire sieged u i wasnt even in netherite
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The whole point is for you to die faster in 1.8 pvp i have like 7 years of PURE battle experience i know more than you by a longshot and i can prove it by doing a duel with you on the server, last i checked u have not been active for the past 13-14 days you only logged on yesterday. THe whole point of more ce's is that so you DON'T die faster but you can't understand that because you don't listen and u haven't read. Literally MOST of horizon agrees for 1.8 pvp and EVERYONE on 710 wants 1.8 pvp aka the most active players who plays on earth. You want pvp to last forever, the point is it shouldn't that's why this post was made, pvp is boring and takes ages to kill anyone and i have expeirenced the pure pvp and i took 0 dmg with max upgraded sva's borrowed from Youngermacky 1.8 is balanced you just haven't realised it.
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First off you are TERRIBLE at pvp and u have 0 experience and you sieging noobs isn't what this post is about. Second of all yes i am peaceful for one reason i am only grinding to get sva gear in order so i can be at war against people, if i wanted i could join maven and just mass raid anyone but i'd like to grind first. Third of all people's items will increase in durability not decrease so their items will eventually be stronger than before which everyone would like to and it's for the best if 1.8 pvp comes around and could be more ce's added so that your armor breaks slower and u take less damage, because that's literally what ce's does. Please don't compare survival 1.8 pvp with this thread because both will be different if changes happen so your conclusion makes no sense u cant tie survival and earth together with these changes i have presented. Sieging other players should have any sort of bigger pentalty for the ones being sieged and it should be like a 12 hour raid not a 3 day raid, also it's not like you should have 5 billion in ur town bank you could just have 1 bil and lost 500mil on 1 12 hour raid and have an immunity of 1 week or so, it's perfectly balanced just use ur brain to imagine it or find better solutions (which u cant because u never give out any solutions at all). Earth is all about socializing? what is this comment like you could have a max of 50 members in 1 nation that's crazy how many players that is if u think about it, and there's not even that many active players on earth to fill that either way.
Im sorry most of horizon? Give me 5 players cos i could probably obly think of 1 also again your peacful and only started what appears this season undiny has been sieging since last season and i was sometimes (most of the time) the recipient of it leave sieges how they are unless they change the economy so if they leave the economy how it is then maybe change the siege to 1k per chunk and if they get rid of spawners then revert it back to how it was last season (basically killing earth again in the process)
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Sep 10, 2021
14 3
"Use your brain" i reccomend you do that cos a 12 hour siege is bullshit if someone logged out and goes to bed then i go over and siege em i would of won the siege basically while they are asleep and there fuckall they could do and no i aint shut at pvp i had u running when u tried to take the banner back after fire sieged u i wasnt even in netherite
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Im sorry most of horizon? Give me 5 players cos i could probably obly think of 1 also again your peacful and only started what appears this season undiny has been sieging since last season and i was sometimes (most of the time) the recipient of it leave sieges how they are unless they change the economy so if they leave the economy how it is then maybe change the siege to 1k per chunk and if they get rid of spawners then revert it back to how it was last season (basically killing earth again in the process)
12 hours is a lot and you're not the only member of your town and if you get sieged cry about it lol same thing happens in for factions for instance only that in factions you get raided in 10 minutes and not 12 whole hours. And please join Earth and duel me, because i know for a fact you are terrible.

Also even stephie supports 1.8 pvp and i even asked right now as we speak who would like 1.8 pvp and mostly horizon members answered yes.


Forum God
Jul 28, 2022
1,196 301
12 hours is a lot and you're not the only member of your town and if you get sieged cry about it lol same thing happens in for factions for instance only that in factions you get raided in 10 minutes and not 12 whole hours. And please join Earth and duel me, because i know for a fact you are terrible.

Also even stephie supports 1.8 pvp and i even asked right now as we speak who would like 1.8 pvp and mostly horizon members answered yes.
12 hours is no where near enough time for a siege sieges are meant to be drawn out
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Oh and if I were home I would kick your ass in a duel any time.


Forum Legend
Sep 9, 2022
711 117
The whole point is for you to die faster in 1.8 pvp i have like 7 years of PURE battle experience i know more than you by a longshot and i can prove it by doing a duel with you on the server, last i checked u have not been active for the past 13-14 days you only logged on yesterday. THe whole point of more ce's is that so you DON'T die faster but you can't understand that because you don't listen and u haven't read. Literally MOST of horizon agrees for 1.8 pvp and EVERYONE on 710 wants 1.8 pvp aka the most active players who plays on earth. You want pvp to last forever, the point is it shouldn't that's why this post was made, pvp is boring and takes ages to kill anyone and i have expeirenced the pure pvp and i took 0 dmg with max upgraded sva's borrowed from Youngermacky 1.8 is balanced you just haven't realised it.
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First off you are TERRIBLE at pvp and u have 0 experience and you sieging noobs isn't what this post is about. Second of all yes i am peaceful for one reason i am only grinding to get sva gear in order so i can be at war against people, if i wanted i could join maven and just mass raid anyone but i'd like to grind first. Third of all people's items will increase in durability not decrease so their items will eventually be stronger than before which everyone would like to and it's for the best if 1.8 pvp comes around and could be more ce's added so that your armor breaks slower and u take less damage, because that's literally what ce's does. Please don't compare survival 1.8 pvp with this thread because both will be different if changes happen so your conclusion makes no sense u cant tie survival and earth together with these changes i have presented. Sieging other players should have any sort of bigger pentalty for the ones being sieged and it should be like a 12 hour raid not a 3 day raid, also it's not like you should have 5 billion in ur town bank you could just have 1 bil and lost 500mil on 1 12 hour raid and have an immunity of 1 week or so, it's perfectly balanced just use ur brain to imagine it or find better solutions (which u cant because u never give out any solutions at all). Earth is all about socializing? what is this comment like you could have a max of 50 members in 1 nation that's crazy how many players that is if u think about it, and there's not even that many active players on earth to fill that either way.
You clearly did not read anything I said. 1.8 is God awful and I said that if we want people to die faster to buff blasters instead of making pvp unplayabe.


Sep 10, 2021
14 3
You clearly did not read anything I said. 1.8 is God awful and I said that if we want people to die faster to buff blasters instead of making pvp unplayabe.
So you expect people to have fun using blasters instead of pvping normally? Delusional as hell.
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12 hours is no where near enough time for a siege sieges are meant to be drawn out
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Oh and if I were home I would kick your ass in a duel any time.
Ok i'll wait


Forum Legend
Sep 9, 2022
711 117
So you expect people to have fun using blasters instead of pvping normally? Delusional as hell.
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Ok i'll wait
Sieges should be about playing smart and playing your cards right, not just mindlessly left clicking.

Plenty of people die in sieges, ask Beans4lifes. If 1.8 pvp is added, nothing is going to happen since God apples are easy to find since someone thought it was a good idea to add ancient cities, saturation items are still busted, and its still going to be about breaking armor, not getting kills itself.


Forum God
Jul 28, 2022
1,196 301
Sieges should be about playing smart and playing your cards right, not just mindlessly left clicking.

Plenty of people die in sieges, ask Beans4lifes. If 1.8 pvp is added, nothing is going to happen since God apples are easy to find since someone thought it was a good idea to add ancient cities, saturation items are still busted, and its still going to be about breaking armor, not getting kills itself.
Breaking Armor is the dumbest shit about pvp


Sep 10, 2021
14 3
Breaking Armor is the dumbest shit about pvp
No it's only shit if you're shit, if someone breaks your armor that means you're just worse than them
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Sieges should be about playing smart and playing your cards right, not just mindlessly left clicking.

Plenty of people die in sieges, ask Beans4lifes. If 1.8 pvp is added, nothing is going to happen since God apples are easy to find since someone thought it was a good idea to add ancient cities, saturation items are still busted, and its still going to be about breaking armor, not getting kills itself.
God apples are the only thing that may keep you alive in a battle on 1.8 pvp and since saturation would be nerfed god apples are the best source of healing and your armor at some point will break and you'll die. 12 hours is all a person needs to play their cards right actually it's FAR more times than you actually need, same analogy with the faction thing i mentioned earlier, takes a faction player like 10-20 mintes to break into your base is everyone active at that time? maybe, maybe not. And honestly me, carnage, macky, luc, stephie, wedo, you undiny and maybe even shrek can talk in discord and discuss this because we're getting nowhere with arguing back to back messages like these.
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Forum God
Jul 28, 2022
1,196 301
No it's only shit if you're shit, if someone breaks your armor that means you're just worse than them
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God apples are the only thing that may keep you alive in a battle on 1.8 pvp and since saturation would be nerfed god apples are the best source of healing and your armor at some point will break and you'll die. 12 hours is all a person needs to play their cards right actually it's FAR more times than you actually need, same analogy with the faction thing i mentioned earlier, takes a faction player like 10-20 mintes to break into your base is everyone active at that time? maybe, maybe not. And honestly me, carnage, macky, luc, stephie, wedo, you undiny and maybe even shrek can talk in discord and discuss this because we're getting nowhere with arguing back to back messages like these.
No if someone breaks my armor it means they just good at spamming theres a difference between being fast at clicking on your mouse and actual skill
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No it's only shit if you're shit, if someone breaks your armor that means you're just worse than them
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God apples are the only thing that may keep you alive in a battle on 1.8 pvp and since saturation would be nerfed god apples are the best source of healing and your armor at some point will break and you'll die. 12 hours is all a person needs to play their cards right actually it's FAR more times than you actually need, same analogy with the faction thing i mentioned earlier, takes a faction player like 10-20 mintes to break into your base is everyone active at that time? maybe, maybe not. And honestly me, carnage, macky, luc, stephie, wedo, you undiny and maybe even shrek can talk in discord and discuss this because we're getting nowhere with arguing back to back messages like these.
Didnt u tell me not to compare survival to earth? Yet now your comparing factions to earth


Sep 10, 2021
14 3
No if someone breaks my armor it means they just good at spamming theres a difference between being fast at clicking on your mouse and actual skill
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Didnt u tell me not to compare survival to earth? Yet now your comparing factions to earth
You are comparing the realms i am comparing situations, sieging is like raiding your logic is that people wants to wait 3 days in order to claim banners win battles im just telling you that in factions same thing happens but faster it's not a comparison to the realm but to the element of sieging and raiding people dont want to wait.


Forum God
Jul 28, 2022
1,196 301
You are comparing the realms i am comparing situations, sieging is like raiding your logic is that people wants to wait 3 days in order to claim banners win battles im just telling you that in factions same thing happens but faster it's not a comparison to the realm but to the element of sieging and raiding people dont want to wait.
Factions is set to be fast paced earth is meant to be more fair to where everyone gets a chance if they made it to 12 hours then literally no one would siege everyone would be neutral


Dedicated Member
Oct 5, 2021
28 16
Hello, so they Earth realm is in a terrible condition and many people agree on different topics, the pvp is terrible, the sieges take too long and gives nothing, the economy is downright horrid and claiming is buggy in different circumstances.

Today i'll only bring up what i feel like i am good at specializing at, and that is PVP, Sieging, armor/weapon balances and mcmmo.

The pvp on Earth is just bad, there is too many items you can get hold on to stay alive forever in fights like saturation. 1.19 pvp on a server with saturation items basically just means you are unkillable, people still spamhit in order to break armor and doesnt actually pvp like it's 1.19 but like 1.8 pvp. And then there's shield that makes it take even longer, you can get launched people have speed 3 and can run it's just an endless cycle of terrible pvp mechanics.

In short to solve these problems we need to add 1.8 pvp and a greater cooldown to saturation, Armors needs more unbreaking (from like unb 8 to 16) and all armors needs to be breakable, Strength and speed limiter needs to be set to 2 so people cant just run away. Launching players should be removed it's just boring to fight anyone when you're both being launched everytime. And for gods sake add different sva items to different servers it just doesnt work in some other servers like in factions legendary swords and ancient swords are stronger than my 50c master sword i got back in the day and it was one of the greatest swords and looking how downgraded it is from comparing to other svas it's just sad.

We need to add Master tier books that involves 5 other enchants for instace, Wither(Axes,Swords), Poison(Swords), Critical shots(Bows), Reflect(Chestplate), Master Inquisitive(Swords,Axes) ***PUT MORE OPTIONS IN THE COMMENT THESE ARE JUST EXAMPLES***
Wither: Gives wither to your fighting opponent: Max level III
Poision: Inflicts poison on your enemy: Max level III
Critical shots: Critcally hit your enemy dealing twice the damage: Max level V
Reflect: a chance to reflect the same amount of damage taken back to your opponent: Max level V
Master Inquisitive: Chance to recieve 10-20 experience: Max level V (requires to match inquisitive level)

Mcmmo levels should reach higher than 500 and so should swords, all weapon skills should be able to go to 1000, because it should be harder to reach such power as greater impact on axes.

For instance

Armor impact level 1>100
Critical Strikes 1>150
Axe Mastery 50>300
Skullcrusher 50>200
Axes limit break 100>500
Greater Impact 250>1000

Of course these are just examples of how it could look like and it should go a bit faster than usual mcmmo level gives but it should take longer for you to reach greater impact as you know people only grind to 250 and there is 500 levels which the other 250 levels after 250 is useless.

All armors should be breakable to not have ever lasting fights, as obvious as it is the devs of minecraft made it clear that armor should break and not be unbreakable thus making it balanced for both parties basically it means that the better pvper always wins and that's how it should be unless you've outgrinded him (more enchants mcmmo etc).

The reason launching your opponent is a terrible mechanic is because you want people to stay on the ground when you punch them it's very simple actually. And it's just terrible and not fun to play against someone who you launch or get launched by to fight against. You being static on the floor is all that pvp needs it don't need you flying around like an apex legends character.

Sieging in Earth takes ages and you get nothing out of it, Sieging should take 1 day and even less than so. Sieging other towns should take you at least to a minimum 12 hours and you should be able to take 50% of the town's bank and 5% of every player in the town's money aswell and it should all be in a "war chest" and devided by all the other players's town members, thus making getting sieged feel terrible and actual fights will erupt. Your siege should take 1 attempt and not multiple as it does now to win a "battle" a battle should be won at the moment not take 3 whole days or whatever. Capturing a banner should take you flat 3-5 minutes and not 10 it's ridiculess.

Nations should only be able to carry 5 towns in total (includes the creator of the town so 4 other towns) and the total amount of people in 1 town should be like 10 at max, this allows people to spread their wings a little instead of having 1 powerful nation controlling the entire realm.
