dacon is the worst owner to run a server. ;P

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Dec 7, 2017
8 1
Reasons -
Lets abusers stay on the server because they donate.
False bans or bans for a stupid reason E.g (glitch exploit) when he has checked it out and has done nothing and leaves without saying anything.
Bans people for homophobia but not racism.
Has shit coders.
Server lags like crazy.
Ignore community feedback and staff.
Doesn't care about anyone apart from himself and does not give 2 flying fucks about what anyone thinks.


Olympus Mod+
Nov 19, 2018
2,353 83
Hello, @iiDiamondBlock.

I noticed you have appealed your ban, so please be patient while it gets looked into further by other members of staff. I’d just like to quickly address some things you have said here...

Lets abusers stay on the server because they donate.
You’re a donator, and were banned for abusing?...

Bans people for homophobia but not racism.
All forms of hatespeech are NOT tolerated on ManaCube. If a player builds a racist/homophobic build, or places a sign with something that violates our rules for hatespeech, a mute will not suffice as it is not related to chat, and so a ban is issued.

I’ve personally not seen Dacon making threads about players calling them “bad players” or attacking them directly with hateful, disrespectful insults... but hey, that’s just me.

If you’d like to discuss this further in a calmer, more private environment, my discord is hallowqueen#2377 - my DMs are always open, and you’re more than welcome to express your thoughts/feelings there, within reason.


Active Member
Jul 6, 2019
6 1
Reasons -
Lets abusers stay on the server because they donate.
False bans or bans for a stupid reason E.g (glitch exploit) when he has checked it out and has done nothing and leaves without saying anything.
Bans people for homophobia but not racism.
Has shit coders.
Server lags like crazy.
Ignore community feedback and staff.
Doesn't care about anyone apart from himself and does not give 2 flying fucks about what anyone thinks.
You definitely hit the spot and said it all for everyone who feels the same. Just saying.


Oct 13, 2017
149 13

I really don't see a point in a rage thread. If you want to be allowed back on the server, you're definitely going the wrong way about it.

Ignore community feedback
But he does add suggestions from https://suggestions.manacube.com/

You are being incredibly rude.

Coding is a very difficult job. I am a coder (Not Java, but can still code), and it can take months upon months to complete a project. When coding, bugs are almost guaranteed, and can take a long time to find and fix.

Server lags like crazy.
I haven't seen any part of manacube "lag like crazy" for a long time. (Apart from an hour or so before a reboot. But that'll happen on all servers)

Thanks. -Self


Nov 2, 2017
1,315 43
You say he ignores staff, but that's not true.

P.S. Self.. parkour has been lagging like crazy for the past week or two x)


Dec 7, 2017
8 1

I really don't see a point in a rage thread. If you want to be allowed back on the server, you're definitely going the wrong way about it.

But he does add suggestions from https://suggestions.manacube.com/

You are being incredibly rude.

Coding is a very difficult job. I am a coder (Not Java, but can still code), and it can take months upon months to complete a project. When coding, bugs are almost guaranteed, and can take a long time to find and fix.

I haven't seen any part of manacube "lag like crazy" for a long time. (Apart from an hour or so before a reboot. But that'll happen on all servers)

Thanks. -Self
- no lag - what about creative and parkour?


SrMod | Parkour Manager
Senior Mod
Senior Mod
Sep 6, 2017
692 11
I guess you will hate me or whatever but I really wanna react to what you said and give my opinion about your arguments.
I will try staying the most neutral as I could.
I'm french so I could have done some spelling mistakes, no need to attack me on this, it make you only worse.

1 : Lets abusers stay on the server because they donate.
Quite ironic, from someone who is MVP and got banned for abusing a glitch, you are already contradicting yourself.
But let's argue about your first reason : Firstly, if you wanna blame someone, don't blame only Dacon, but the entire staff, because he is not the only one who ban abusers. And I can tell you, as a staff, that I absolutly don't care if they are donator or not, I've already banned some of my friends, and I didn't regretted what I did. Secondly, you could talk about the fact we can buy an unban, and her I quite agree with you, even if I can understand some reason why this exist, I'm not a big fan of this. But since how your reason is constructed, I guess you mean that we don't ban abusers because they are donators, and I can tell you that your are wrong, the only 2 reasons I can think we don't ban an abuser are the glitch is really minimal and they didn't abused much, or they abused on Parkour, but in this case they are Locked, and not always banned.

2 : False bans or bans for a stupid reason E.g (glitch exploit) when he has checked it out and has done nothing and leaves without saying anything.
I guess that the reason why you did this thread, since you got banned for a glitch, I will not argue much because I don't have the full context, but I can tell you that we don't ban for nothing, we always have a reason, sometimes it could be wrong, but we always have a reason. And Glitch Abuse are a special type of ban that is always discussed with other staff. I have trouble to understand what you mean on the second part of your reason, if you are talking about the "he did nothing" when he saw you using a glitch, then that fake, he banned you for abusing it and I'm pretty sure he is trying patching this (I'm not him so I can't tell you like that, but he always tried patching a glitch when we reported one) ; if you are talking about that he did « nothing » about the glitch when you discovered it, that mean before he saw you using it, I mean that normal ? Factions is up for 2 days now, that normal there is glitches that we never saw, and there is probably new glitches we will discover in the future. I will not say it's your job to report every glitch you found (Even if it's really encouraged), but abusing it is your own fault ? (Speculating on the fact you really abused a glitch), and I guess it's quite hard to tell you something when you got banned right before, but since I didn't fully understood the second part of your argument, I could be wrong.

3 : Bans people for homophobia but not racism.
Same reason as the first argument you gave, if you wanna blame someone don't blame Dacon but the whole staff, like Hallow said, any form of Hate Speech is not tolerated on the server, but you also need to remember something, we are not robots, we can't see everything and can miss some things, and not every person have the same point of view on something, while you see a lot of racism, for example in the word « nigga », some other person will not see it as hate speech, same thing with homophobia, and that the same thing for staff members, maybe Dacon is more relaxed on some words compared to what you think. So if you see something that is hateful, feel free reporting it.

4 : Has shit coders.
I will not argue much, since I'm not a coder, but I pretty sure coding something is long and hard. But I would like more arguments than just « they are shit », is it because there is some lags, some glitchs ? Like I said, remembers we, and they are not robots, I'm pretty sure they have a ton of things to do, and if they were that shitty, I don't think the server will be like this, but more broken everywhere. Try putting yourself in their places, and after give some constructive arguments (if you have some) instead of just blaming them for no reason.

5 : Server lags like crazy.
I will stay fully neutral here, because yeah I agree, Parkour and Creative are quite laggy recently, and that a pain, but I also understand Dacon point of view, and it's what I said in the previous argument, they are not robots and they have ton of things to do, Faction just come out, and I pretty sure they wanna have Faction stable before doing something with current lags in Parkour and Creative.

6 : Ignore community feedback and staff.
This argument is quite funny, « Ignore staff », because you are a staff member ? How can you give an argument on something you don't know ? If you want my own opinion, since I'm a staff member, I can tell you that you are wrong here, he could sometimes miss something we say, because like I said already 2 times, he is busy and have a ton of things to do (He have his own life too !), and even with that, he already tried responding, even some days after. And for the « Ignore community feedback », I also quite disagree, like Self said before me, there is a suggestion website for that and a support where he frequently respond. But if he don't respond to something, do not forget that we are here to help and respond for him if we can.

7 : Rude.
Again, quite ironic from someone who is just making a thread just to say how he is bad. Try giving some reasons here, because right now, I think you are more rude than him just with this thread, like at least he is not making a thread against someone to explain how he is a bad person.

8 : Doesn't care about anyone apart from himself and does not give 2 flying fucks about what anyone thinks.
If he really didn't care about anyone, I think a lot of thing will not even exist on the server, just the fact there is a suggestion website make you wrong. Like I said a bunch of times before, give some arguments about what you said, I would be curious to see why you think that, is it because he « ignore » the community ? Then read what I said on « Ignore community feedback and staff ». Is it something else ? I don't know, since you are saying things without real arguments.

Don't know if I was fully neutral (Don't think so, but I tried), but when you are criticizing someone, give strong argument, and not plain reason filled with contradiction and hate.

Maybe I was also rude and wrong for you in what I said, and I'm sorry about that, but doing those sort of blank thread with only salt and hate is pissing me off.

Aug 25, 2019
I guess you will hate me or whatever but I really wanna react to what you said and give my opinion about your arguments.
I will try staying the most neutral as I could.
I'm french so I could have done some spelling mistakes, no need to attack me on this, it make you only worse.

1 : Lets abusers stay on the server because they donate.
Quite ironic, from someone who is MVP and got banned for abusing a glitch, you are already contradicting yourself.
But let's argue about your first reason : Firstly, if you wanna blame someone, don't blame only Dacon, but the entire staff, because he is not the only one who ban abusers. And I can tell you, as a staff, that I absolutly don't care if they are donator or not, I've already banned some of my friends, and I didn't regretted what I did. Secondly, you could talk about the fact we can buy an unban, and her I quite agree with you, even if I can understand some reason why this exist, I'm not a big fan of this. But since how your reason is constructed, I guess you mean that we don't ban abusers because they are donators, and I can tell you that your are wrong, the only 2 reasons I can think we don't ban an abuser are the glitch is really minimal and they didn't abused much, or they abused on Parkour, but in this case they are Locked, and not always banned.

2 : False bans or bans for a stupid reason E.g (glitch exploit) when he has checked it out and has done nothing and leaves without saying anything.
I guess that the reason why you did this thread, since you got banned for a glitch, I will not argue much because I don't have the full context, but I can tell you that we don't ban for nothing, we always have a reason, sometimes it could be wrong, but we always have a reason. And Glitch Abuse are a special type of ban that is always discussed with other staff. I have trouble to understand what you mean on the second part of your reason, if you are talking about the "he did nothing" when he saw you using a glitch, then that fake, he banned you for abusing it and I'm pretty sure he is trying patching this (I'm not him so I can't tell you like that, but he always tried patching a glitch when we reported one) ; if you are talking about that he did « nothing » about the glitch when you discovered it, that mean before he saw you using it, I mean that normal ? Factions is up for 2 days now, that normal there is glitches that we never saw, and there is probably new glitches we will discover in the future. I will not say it's your job to report every glitch you found (Even if it's really encouraged), but abusing it is your own fault ? (Speculating on the fact you really abused a glitch), and I guess it's quite hard to tell you something when you got banned right before, but since I didn't fully understood the second part of your argument, I could be wrong.

3 : Bans people for homophobia but not racism.
Same reason as the first argument you gave, if you wanna blame someone don't blame Dacon but the whole staff, like Hallow said, any form of Hate Speech is not tolerated on the server, but you also need to remember something, we are not robots, we can't see everything and can miss some things, and not every person have the same point of view on something, while you see a lot of racism, for example in the word « nigga », some other person will not see it as hate speech, same thing with homophobia, and that the same thing for staff members, maybe Dacon is more relaxed on some words compared to what you think. So if you see something that is hateful, feel free reporting it.

4 : Has shit coders.
I will not argue much, since I'm not a coder, but I pretty sure coding something is long and hard. But I would like more arguments than just « they are shit », is it because there is some lags, some glitchs ? Like I said, remembers we, and they are not robots, I'm pretty sure they have a ton of things to do, and if they were that shitty, I don't think the server will be like this, but more broken everywhere. Try putting yourself in their places, and after give some constructive arguments (if you have some) instead of just blaming them for no reason.

5 : Server lags like crazy.
I will stay fully neutral here, because yeah I agree, Parkour and Creative are quite laggy recently, and that a pain, but I also understand Dacon point of view, and it's what I said in the previous argument, they are not robots and they have ton of things to do, Faction just come out, and I pretty sure they wanna have Faction stable before doing something with current lags in Parkour and Creative.

6 : Ignore community feedback and staff.
This argument is quite funny, « Ignore staff », because you are a staff member ? How can you give an argument on something you don't know ? If you want my own opinion, since I'm a staff member, I can tell you that you are wrong here, he could sometimes miss something we say, because like I said already 2 times, he is busy and have a ton of things to do (He have his own life too !), and even with that, he already tried responding, even some days after. And for the « Ignore community feedback », I also quite disagree, like Self said before me, there is a suggestion website for that and a support where he frequently respond. But if he don't respond to something, do not forget that we are here to help and respond for him if we can.

7 : Rude.
Again, quite ironic from someone who is just making a thread just to say how he is bad. Try giving some reasons here, because right now, I think you are more rude than him just with this thread, like at least he is not making a thread against someone to explain how he is a bad person.

8 : Doesn't care about anyone apart from himself and does not give 2 flying fucks about what anyone thinks.
If he really didn't care about anyone, I think a lot of thing will not even exist on the server, just the fact there is a suggestion website make you wrong. Like I said a bunch of times before, give some arguments about what you said, I would be curious to see why you think that, is it because he « ignore » the community ? Then read what I said on « Ignore community feedback and staff ». Is it something else ? I don't know, since you are saying things without real arguments.

Don't know if I was fully neutral (Don't think so, but I tried), but when you are criticizing someone, give strong argument, and not plain reason filled with contradiction and hate.

Maybe I was also rude and wrong for you in what I said, and I'm sorry about that, but doing those sort of blank thread with only salt and hate is pissing me off.



SrMod | Parkour Manager
Senior Mod
Senior Mod
Sep 6, 2017
692 11
I will not argue more, because Factions is not something I fully understand, and I have some lack of context. I mostly responded to this thread since how it was poorly made, I guess you have your own reasons, but there is still some things I think you are wrong and you just added here without Reason, I have watched the video and it's really starting going far and confusing me, I will prefer seeing someone who understand fully (or at least more than me) the story responding, but right now, I think we should calm down and see with your own ban appeal, my response was mostly about this thread and not the story itself.


Oct 2, 2017
Lets abusers stay on the server because they donate. This is completely false. I'm MVP+, and was banned on the spot for visiting Requiem's base as an ally. Not any form of insiding, exploiting, abuse, or mischief whatsoever. Just Visiting. Last I checked, the server takes care of the lag appropriately, you just have little to no patience.


Forum Expert
Jan 13, 2019
133 49
Reasons -
Lets abusers stay on the server because they donate.
False bans or bans for a stupid reason E.g (glitch exploit) when he has checked it out and has done nothing and leaves without saying anything.
Bans people for homophobia but not racism.
Has shit coders.
Server lags like crazy.
Ignore community feedback and staff.
Doesn't care about anyone apart from himself and does not give 2 flying fucks about what anyone thinks.
lmao, not saying he is a bad owner, but the reasons you chose werent even the best ones, not adding on but, hahah


Dedicated Member
Jan 24, 2019
84 25
just incase u didn't know, if someone says the word "nigga" it doesn't mean they're racist.
I just cummed
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