Ancient Trials Problems and Feedback [Mainly Based around Trials on SKYBLOCK] :)

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  • I don't really care, Ancient Trials isn't worth it for me.

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Apr 11, 2018
12 2
Why hello my non-adoring fans (that don't exist),

Recently, me and my group (MyDeadLife, Pippin and DumbleDora) have been playing on Skyblock and have attempted the Ancient Trials multiple times (I'm currently on the Leaderboard with 15 wins) and I have a lot to say about the gamemode, which is cool in concept but in it's current reality is nothing more than a pointless add-on.

:mc_35-14: Firstly, to access the Ancient Trials on Skyblock you need to be "Prestige 7" although I have gained access being "Prestige 5" and the rewards that are available for this level ultimately isn't worth the time it takes to complete the trials. Just to get to Prestige 7, you must have;

1: Already attained 1000 MCMMO Levels for "Prestige 6"
2: Spent 4275 Mana and $2,750,000 to achieve "Prestige 7"
3: Killed 1000 Mobs and have collected 35 souls

For spending 20 minutes to win the trials, you can receive rewards such as $300,000 or 300 Mana, but at the prestige level required it really invalidates the need to waste time at the trials, because most likely those exact people have much greater and faster methods of gaining money and therefore Mana, completely throwing away any incentive to even play the gamemode. All this and this is even before you start playing the Trials themselves.

:mc_35-1: Secondly, there are only 3 kits available for the Trials, which all are supposed to have their own advantages and disadvantages, for example;

The Tank Kit reduces the damage taken per hit with their Diamond Armor, therefore making the player stronger and much harder to kill, although they only are given a stone sword.

The Warrior Kit gives the player an Iron Sword with sharpness so that they can kill the enemies quicker, although only gives them iron armor.

The Ranger Kit gives the player an Infinity Bow which allows the player to endlessly bow spam their targets without worrying about being hit by their enemies, although they are given a weaker armor, making them a glass cannon archetype.

The Ranger Kit is clearly made superior to the other kits, and this is the exact kit that I have personally used to win the trials 15 times, as there is no wave that challenges the player since the mobs can be kept at a distance and there is no need to worry about being damaged. "BUT MYGINGERLIFE!!!" I hear you call out, "WHAT ABOUT THE ENDERMAN WAVE, THEY CAN'T BE HIT WITH BOWS!!!" Which is exactly correct, and is a perfect segue into my next point...

:mc_35-4: Thirdly, the map design within the Trials is great in concept, the middle "shopping" area surrounded by staircases and a divide with an outside and inside to the arena. This in theory is an ideal map design, but the execution of the map has a slight oversight which makes the Ranger Kit the only Guaranteed Kit for the majority of the waves, including the boss battle. May I draw your attention to this gallery of pictures:

In these 4 images you can see how I have easily escaped the reaches of any and all enemies as early as Stage 2, meaning that from this wave forward that it I can easily avoid enemies and Bow Spam my way to the boss fight! Even then, I can use this space to kill the boss and win the trials! Which I have actually done, using 10 levels to get 1 enderpearl and easily clearing the Trials. Apologies to @HyDr0KT who's had to rescue me due to Ender Pearls glitching me into walls and into the floor as well. So when you get to the Enderman wave, you can easily sit on top of the higher walls and repeatedly hit them with your sword, since you are out of their hitting range, so you can just hit them without issue until they are dead.

:mc_35-5: Fourthly, I'm sorry if you've actually read this far for Trials but I feel like this is all necessary feedback, whenever a player uses /trials they are taken to the trials world, with no real issue. Although, when players try to return to the Skyblock world using the given portal, they are permanently locked out of the trials world, unless they ask a moderator to teleport them out of the portal whenever they log in, again sorry to @HyDr0KT who had to constantly keep helping me out.

:mc_35-3: Fifthly, there is no real challenge to the levels within the Trials, except the Evoker/Vex wave. When played properly, with no cheating system's but still utilising the Ranged Kit, there is no real challenge to the trials and it feels almost too easy to avoid attacks or to just stay out of reach of enemies. One of the best designed mobs to tackle this is the Blaze's but since they have been kept near staircases, it is easy to Bow Spam them from the outside ring of the map and avoid all of their attacks, and because they have had no buffs or changes to their health or movement they become easy 2-Shot targets.

:mc_116-0: FINALLY, that's the end of a long list of problems that I have encountered personally within the Trials, so I thought after playing it a lot that I would offer some simple changes that would affect positively how the Trials is played:

:mc_355-14: Re-Make the Kits, making sure that it is equally as challenging for each play style. Also, add a few more unique kits with different attacks, maybe even making them more exclusive to those with Donator Ranks.

:mc_355-1: Utilise Barrier Blocks, so that only mob-accessible areas are open, otherwise people can easily use the map to their advantage and take advantage of something which COULD be much more challenging.

:mc_355-4: Change the Rewards, to make the gamemode actually something players might be interested in doing, rather than feeling like a cheap and easy add-on which currently doesn't add anything to the Server Experience.

:mc_355-5: Make ALL OF IT More Challenging, so that players actually struggle and EARN rewards rather than just making it an idle winning gamemode.

:mc_355-3: Rethink the Entrance Level, since most of the higher ranked players wouldn't even consider playing a gamemode with such unrewarding rewards (get it?) and making it more accessible to newer players.

Hope you all enjoy this read, and if you agree with what's being said make sure to VOTE for it!! If not, I'm always here to read the comments and see where I've deviated from other players experiences :eek:;)

With tiredness and love,
MyGingerLife a.k.a The Gay Critic that Could!


Forum Expert
QA Team
QA Team
Dec 5, 2015
352 6
Hoi @MyGingerLife,

You’ll probably get a larger response from members/staff, and also get your suggestion voted, in our Feature Upvote website, that you can find it here.

I would recommend adding to your suggestion, a link to this thread and a general view of your suggestions made in this post!

I’ll also give you a link to a thread explaining the website and how it works, made by Dacon.

¡Hope you have a good day and found this information useful!


Olympus | Mod+
Nov 19, 2018
2,339 83
Hello, @MyGingerLife.

Your post is very informative and it’s amazing to see you sharing your opinion(s) regarding the ancient trials. However one thing I would recommend is posting some of your suggestions on the Feature Upvote website - as you’re far more likely to get a good response there since it’s the official new website for player suggestions, and gain more attention with your suggestions/ideas.

It’s clear you put a lot of time and effort into this suggestion, so I do strongly urge you to bring it to feature upvote, as @Faudon linked above.