hard difficulty

  1. H

    Rejected The Enderdragon (map by HChrocks)

    HChrocks The Enderdragon plot ID 55;69 Hard or expert 72 jumps with 3 checkpoints(sorry im standing in someone elses plot taking this.)(this is supposed to show that part is in the dark)
  2. T

    Rejected π - Hard

    Hello everybody, today im submitting my 2nd parkour map. Is based on the number Pi and related to maths like the first one I made, calculus. Hope you enjoy it! Owner of the plot / Builder: tntpablo Map Name: NumberPi Plot ID: 40 -23 Difficulty: Hard Number of Jumps: ~70 Number of...
  3. M

    Sir Creeper

    Hello there, my username is MegaMaste_r_ont and I would like to submit a parkour map on Minevast! This parkour is called Sir Creeper and has a difficulty of medium/hard! This parkour looks like a creeper dressed in a formal suit, instead, it doesn't explode! Heh! Now, this parkour includes...