Recent content by MarkoCCA

  1. M

    Donation Issues HELP!

    First of all, why is this thread in parkour submissions, noone is gonna review it here. Put it in bugs or feedback, and also i think you can ask admins to check ip's if it didnt changed, thats all, hope you get your rank back :D.
  2. M

    Rejected Furnace PK [MEDIUM/EASY]

    What with under-skilled users....
  3. M

    Rejected Furnace PK [MEDIUM/EASY]

    I'll try to fix it when i get pc. And just realised wool is orange, and orange is for insane, yellow is for medium and i dont want people to get 200 gems for an easy map lol, actly i will change it to easy and fix inside of furnace, i did put torches under the carpet for a furnace particles
  4. M

    Rejected Furnace PK [MEDIUM/EASY]

    Furnace parkour: 5 checkpoints (including start one) around 60 jumps it has jumps for medium but you can set it as easy ladder jumps some 4 block jumps find it at /warp FurnacePK Updated
  5. M

    Accepted EnchantedPK (Easy)

    god dammit, why this map got to reviewing and mine got rejected, i built it waaay better
  6. M

    Rejected The Quest for Doritos by Wurgli

    Iike mine, its on for month and longer, it has no mark (rejected, reviewing, accepted)
  7. M

    Rejected Enchantment Table PK

    Why poke is not checking out this map :(
  8. M

    Suggestion for new Kits for 1.9

    I think microsoft bought minecraft, so stupid bill gates
  9. M

    Rejected Parkour Submission

    Or even insane then xD
  10. M

    Rejected Enchantment Table PK

    I deleted the pic, world will never know xD, except you
  11. M

    Accepted EnchantedPK (Easy)

    Sry for being mean, your map can also get accepted as same as mine :D My map does not look like 6 year old -.- Did it
  12. M

    Rejected Enchantment Table PK

    Well, im not yet [SKILLED], so i didnt saw a enchantment table pk so i made one, one guy day ir two after made enc table pk too, so i said i already made one before him :D
  13. M

    Rejected Enchantment Table PK

  14. M

    Accepted EnchantedPK (Easy)

    Too late buddy i made one like this 2-3 dayz ago
  15. M

    Rejected Enchantment Table PK

    I tried many blue dark and light blocks on the corners but just diamonds look better (by me). So dont judge (except poke or bacon xD).