Search results

  1. chiara

    Bee Crate

  2. chiara

    Spring Festival 2024

  3. chiara

    Fools Crate

    Pepe Pepe Pepe
  4. chiara

    Islands Season 7

  5. chiara

    REAL TOP 20 CUBERS of this map MADE BY Cibr, Shlogieeee, Hasty, Valint

    no pizzamorris for playtime mention?!
  6. chiara

    Top 50 Cubers All Time

    keep shooting for the stars!
  7. chiara

    Commands in combat

    can u be kind please
  8. chiara

    Commands in combat

    Currently, we can use /welcome, /stats while in combat, I think we should add /hug , /hugback, any chat feelings, /cf, /invsee edits + additions: /pay , /squad info (blank) , /squad top , /baltop , /friend add (blank) , what else should they possibly white list?
  9. chiara

    Make duel elo leaderboards more public

    Suppose people see a leaderboard, 9/10 of the time they wish to be on it. Dropping mid is good to an extent, but if one wants to grind a leaderboard, duels are significantly easier to grind because you don't need a million hours and a crap ton of money. Duels make everything equal, it's down to...
  10. chiara

    first plot remake (not rly)

    this ate, I helped place like 4 blocks
  11. chiara

    Make duel elo leaderboards more public

    yeah I agree, this would encourage people to send/accept duels a lot more. More comp = more playtime.
  12. chiara

    What's the most enjoyable server to play on the manacube network?

    couldn't have agreed more !
  13. chiara

    Can we get manaoutpost every 3 hours instead of 6 hours

    you could always report players in game with /report or /helopop if it is chat related, this way chatmods will show up and punish accordingly. For factions related things you can make a ticket for a report and that will likely get sorted out, but with no staff that main factions I see your point...
  14. chiara

    Can we get manaoutpost every 3 hours instead of 6 hours

    with the small player base adding an outpost more often would be kinda op to the same people doing it every time, but it would also make it more fun & frequent for the players actually online. +1 for the staff situation as well
  15. chiara

    Wedding Aftermath

    abbie should've objected
  16. chiara

    Important Should we remove void?

  17. chiara

    retired bubs

    retired bubs
  18. chiara

