Search results

  1. xEricL

    [Math] Cost of Ascending to Any "n" Number of Rebirths.

    Hello everyone! If you didn't already know, I really like math. I literally live, breath and sleep thinking about math. So today, out of pure boredom, I decided to come up with a formula for how much it would cost you to get to a certain rebirth from the rebirth you currently are. Here it is...
  2. xEricL

    Need a crafting recipe? Don't feel like googling it? Here's a solution!

    Hello everyone! So I'm sure many of you (excluding those who play on ManaCube's Creative server, for obvious reasons) have been in a situation where you wanted to craft something, but the recipe has completely vanished from your mind. When this happens, you probably just decide to either...
  3. xEricL

    [POLL]: Is it unfair that sell-wands & infinity chests can't go into /resetvault? [VOTE]

    How do you feel about this? Please share your opinions by voting using the link below! [Maximum 1 Vote per day.] In addition to voting, please feel free to leave your opinions below :)