Recent content by Spogger

  1. Spogger

    Which books do you enjoy reading / listening to?

    Good pick, I just recently read Fahrenheit 451 and thinking about this one next.
  2. Spogger

    Reviewing xstephie - Staff Application

    There's 168 hrs in a week, if someone works 40 hours a week and sleeps 56 hours that's only 96/168.
  3. Spogger

    Manapond and prestiging change

    Maybe make it include LPS kills but increase the amount needed then? Orrr make it siege kills since that means that noobs won't lose stuff and it will still encourage pvp and war.
  4. Spogger

    Manapond and prestiging change

    Replace with (non-LPS) player kills - it will encourage PvP.
  5. Spogger

    Reviewing xstephie - Staff Application

    +1 Don't see why steph isn't staff yet
  6. Spogger

    What one do u play on laptop, desktop or other

    i play on a custom desktop i built myself
  7. Spogger

    Some ManaEarth Ideas...

    I mean... I'm a broke kid and I have 2 rows of svas...
  8. Spogger

    Earth siege system, LPS & duels

    I think that an easy solution to peaceful that protects noobs is that peaceful still works as normal BUT if at least 2 players with military ranks (owner, assistant, moderator, or guard) own at least one combat-related SVA each, peaceful is automatically shut off. /survival
  9. Spogger

    xStephie - QA Team Application [Earth]

    +1 no caption needed
  10. Spogger

    Beans4lifes - QA Team Application [Earth]

    +1 knows a lot about bugs (take that as you will) and very experienced.
  11. Spogger

    Colombia is drugs not freedom

    Colombia is drugs not freedom
  12. Spogger

    Thanks for following :)

    Thanks for following :)