Recent content by Masterbrine999

  1. Masterbrine999


    no, they teleported. I saw him randomly appear right next to dark_metalstorm
  2. Masterbrine999


    ok if you say so, but someone with a simular name was in my base then
  3. Masterbrine999


    Im just going to ask one final question; how did Qvistexe get into my base? if hes innocent, then I stand down
  4. Masterbrine999


    well then how did Qvistexe get in?
  5. Masterbrine999


    I tried doing /inspect Qvistexe, but it said "Player Profile not loaded"
  6. Masterbrine999


    I also only allowed Dark_metalstorm into my base, wich would mean Qvistexe never had a way in. UNLESS they allied or truced my faction. I tried it before and you cant tpa to a neutral faction. oh, and Qvistexe, I never mentioned my faction Mteam999 once on my previous posts
  7. Masterbrine999


    please restore my base. I really like this server and I think that its a great factions server, but its no fun with insiders and hackers. also I found the name of the other insider; Dark_metalstorm
  8. Masterbrine999


    Qu\vistexe and another member of his faction offered to help me fix a problem with my automatic creeper spawners in my hidden base, and I allowed them to tpa to me but they insided on me and started griefing me. they blew up all my chests and spawners with creepers and somehow killed me with a...
  9. Masterbrine999

    Faction Kits

    I know that there are kits in factions, but I don't know all of the kits. it would be helpful if someone who knows all the kits could tell me them.